UMass Linguistics at NELS 49 at Cornell, October 5-7, 2018

UMass Linguistics was well represented at NELS 49 at Cornell. Cutting and pasting from the NELS website, I find:

The Reversible Core of ObjExp, Location, and Govern-Type Verbs.
Michael Wilson.
Besides Exceptives.
Ekaterina Vostrikova.
Phase Sensitive Morphology and Dependent Case.
Kimberly Johnson.
Don’t give me that attitude! Anti-De Se and Feature Matching of German D-Pronouns.
Alexander Göbel.
A secondary crossover effect in Hindi and the typology of movement.
Rajesh Bhatt and Stefan Keine.
Complementizers in Laz are attitude sensitive.
Omer Demirok, Deniz Ozyildiz and Balkiz Ozturk.
Romanian loves Me: Clitic Clusters, Ethics & Cyclic AGREE.
Rudmila-Rodica Ivan.

UMass Alum Maria Gouskova was one of the invited speakers. There were enough of us to justify a group picture.