Congratulations to PhD students Sonja Glasser and Emelia Kusi, who were both awarded Lotta M. Crabtree fellowships for agricultural research that will support them this spring!
Oct 2022: Seanne highlighted in UMass research profile!
Seanne Clemente, 4th year PhD student, was selected by UMass to highlight as a graduate student researcher. You can check out the article here!
May 2022: Seanne gets Graduate School Dissertation Grant!
Seanne Clemente was awarded a $1000 Graduate School Dissertation Grant. According to the panel, he did an amazing job!
April 2022: Caro receives AAUW fellowship!
Carolina Munoz Agudelo receives a $20,000 competitive international AAUW fellowship that will support her next year!
Mar 22: Sonja and Justin receive NHC grants!
Sonja Glasser and Justin Roch, OEB graduate students, have both received UMass Natural History Collections grants to fund their thesis research!
Mar 2022: Sonja defends her MS thesis!
Sonja Glasser, a first-year OEB PhD student, has successfully defended her Master’s thesis at UNAM – congratulations!
Aug 2021: Justin’s photo selected for 2022 ESA World of Insects Calendar!
A gorgeous photo of a halictid bee on chrysanthemum flowers, taken by 5th-year MS student Justin Roch, has been selected for the Entomological Society of America’s 2022 World of Insects Calendar. Go Justin!
Aug 2021: Caro awarded NE SARE graduate grant!
PhD student Caro Munoz Agudelo has been awarded a $15,000 Northeastern SARE graduate student grant for her research, “Interactive effects of pesticides, drought, and pathogens on the common eastern bumble bee Bombus impatiens.” Congratulations to Caro!
May 2021: Alison awarded Return to Research grant!
PhD student Alison Fowler has been awarded a $5000 Return to Research grant from the Graduate School. The purpose of these grants is to pay for unexpected research costs due to the COVID pandemic. Congratulations to Alison!
May 2021: Caro awarded Bigelow Scholarship!
PhD student Caro Munoz Agudelo has been awarded the Howard E. Bigelow and Margaret E. Barr Bigelow Memorial Scholarship, which will provide $8844 in summer fellowship support. Congratulations!