What are the eligibility requirements?

To be eligible as a MAICEI student, you must be 18-21 years old and eligible for special education services as documented on an IEP. You must also be enrolled in one of our partner school districts, and, most importantly, have a desire to pursue a college experience.

What courses can I take as a MAICEI student?

All undergraduate courses offered by the university are available. In the past, students have taken courses such as Intro to Theatre, Intro to Drawing, Embracing Diversity, and The Undead Souths: Southern Gothic and Francophone Mythologies in Film & Television.

What will my team look like as a MAICEI student?

As an 18-22 student in the MAICIE program, you will have several advisors to assist in the transition from high school to college environment. With academics, your educational coach from high school will be available to assist in your daily academic needs. MAICEI at UMass also has employment specialists to assist in skill development during your internships and professional job training. On top of this, the MAICEI program aims to match each student with up to three undergraduate peer mentors who are there to hang out and have fun on the social side of campus.

What will I do with my employment specialist?

The MAICEI Employment Skills Specialist is a support for you.  The Employment Skills Specialist meets with the student-intern and the job coach for weekly meetings to discuss all things internships and individualized career development.  These meetings involve skills development and assessments in regard to your internship placement. You will also work with the employment specialist on resume building, job applications, interview skills, and cover letter writing.

Are the internships paid?

While paid employment is the primary goal, paid employment is not a guarantee. All students participate in an unpaid on-campus internship track until they develop the necessary competency levels in the Foundational Skills so to then better compete for and sustain paid internships and employment on and off campus.

How often will I work at their internship?

Most internships will have you working from 2 to 4 hours per week.

Can UMass provide for my accessibility need?

As a part of disability services at the University, the MAICEI program can work with you both during the application process and while you’re here in order to make sure any reasonable accommodations can be made.

What do I get access to as a MAICEI student?

As a MAICEI student, you will have access to the many amenities that are offered to matriculated UMass undergraduates. This includes: a meal plan, access to the fitness center, free admission to sporting events, access to the library, and full ability to join campus clubs and organizations.

Count me in! How do I sign-up?

Email us at MACEI@umass.edu for more information. If you’re interested schedule deadlines, check here for our application schedule.