Software and other resources

OT-Help 2.0

OT-Help 2 provides new tools for studying language typology in Harmonic Serialism (serial OT) and serial Harmonic Grammar, as well as parallel versions of both OT and HG. The serial components of OT-Help 2 allow users to define their own operations in Gen and constraints in Con. These operations and constraints are used to compute the typology for a list of inputs. New hypotheses about Gen and Con can be evaluated quickly and easily. OT-Help 2.0 is available for free download from:

Part of the grant project involves making improvements and extensions to the software. Stay tuned for future developments!


Michael Becker’s implementation of Optimality Theory With Candidate Chains (OT-CC)’s GEN and EVAL in Perl. To use it, go to

Phonology bibliography

The result of merging bibliographic databases from John McCarthy, Joe Pater, and Maria Gouskova. In BibTeX and Endnote formats. Some duplicate entries may remain, and LaTeX users should watch out for the usual capitalization problems.

R tools

Materials developed for working with Harmonic Grammar using the popular statistical software environment R. The site contains the code and also the example files.

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