The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Exams Homework

End-of-semester information

Office hours

Monday 13 December 2:00–4:00 p.m., my LGRT 1335G office.

You may pick up your graded Homework 9, or any previously uncollected exam or homework paper.

Homework 9 solutions

Complete solutions have been uploaded to the usual UDrive location.

There were some too-common errors made in Homework 9 solutions, especially some conceptual errors. Please see this list of common errors there.

Final Exam

  • Reminder that the Final Exam Tuesday (at 8:00 a.m.) is in our usual classroom, LGRT 219
  • I’ve posted a list of the additional Final Exam topics—the ones since Exam 2. Lists of topics from Exams 1 and 2 are there, too.

HW9: due Fri 10 Dec

Homework 9 (the last one!) is due at the start of class Friday 10 December.

See the Homework page for a link to the list of problems.


HW8: due Mon 22 November

Homework 8 is due at the start of class Monday 22 November. See the Homework page for the list of problems.


HW 6 & 7 answers available

Solutions to Homework 6 and Homework 7 are available, as usual, from the UDrive folder about which you were e-mailed.


HW 7: due Wed 17 Nov

Homework set 7 is now posted to the Homework page. It is due at the start of class on Wednesday 17 November.


HW 6: due Mon 8 Nov

See the Homework page for the Homework 6 assignment.


Homework 5 solutions

Homework 5 solutions are provided in the form of two files:

  • 421f05hw5ans.pdf—solutions to #1–9
  • StereographicProjection (HW 5#10).pdf

These solutions are available, as usual, on the Math 421 UDrive, whose log-in information was e-mailed to you earlier.


Homework 4 solutions

Solutions to Homework 4 are available for download from the Math 421 U-drive folder.

For this set the solutions are in two non-overlapping files:

  • For #1–3: 421f10hw4Ans1to3.pdf — an evaluated pdf version of the notebook 421f10hw4Ans1to3.nb;
  • For #4–7: 421f10hw4ans4to7.pdf — a pdf file

Homework 5 due Fri 22 Oct

Homework 5 is now posted on the Homework page. It is due in class Friday 22 October.


Homework 4 due Wed 13 Oct

Homework 4 is now posted on the Homework page. It is due in class Wednesday 13 October.