
The Principal Investigator

Yasu S. Morita
Professor of Microbiology

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
B.A., International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan

In 2000, after completing his doctoral research on Trypanosoma brucei, Dr. Morita started working on mycobacteria as a postdoctoral fellow in Malcolm McConville’s lab at University of Melbourne in Australia. He moved to Osaka, Japan in 2003, and continued working on mycobacteria in Taroh Kinoshita’s lab as a team leader. He joined University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2012.

Contact: ymorita@umass.edu

Disclosure of international activities

  • Part-time lecturer, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan – Since 2000, Dr. Morita has been teaching the 300-level undergraduate Laboratory in Biochemistry course during summer recess. It is an eight-day intensive course on enzyme and metabolite purification with a part dedicated to independent research.
  • Ad-hoc grant reviewer – Dr. Morita has served as a research grant reviewer for Medical Research Council of U.K., Wellcome Trust Foundation, French National Research Agency, Swiss National Science Foundation, Research Grant Council of Hong Kong, and Israel Science Foundation.
  • Visiting researchers – Dr. Morita has hosted visiting researchers from India, Japan, and the Philippines.
  • Research collaborations – Dr. Morita currently collaborates with research groups in Egypt, Germany, and Japan.