Author Archives: mvalcarce

Desmos “Guess Who” Game

I know that I’ve posted about Desmos before, but this is a particularly cool activity to get your students thinking about graph’s distinguishing features. As the teacher, you go to and start the activity. Then the website gives you a code for your students to type into They are then randomly paired and have to find the graph that their partner chose by asking questions that narrow the options.

Desmos has different versions of this activity for lines, parabolas, rational functions and hexagons. Something to check out!

Negative times a negative

My students asked me this week why a negative times a negative has to be positive. I told them that there is a reason, but I couldn’t produce a proof. That night I looked up this video. Then the next day I was able to reproduce the proof for them. It seems like they understood the gist of the video.

P.S. Yes, this is also the video I posted to Trisha’s tuning protocol, in case you missed it.


Spherical Geometry

I always like to share higher level math with my students to show them things that might be cool and engage their interest. Here’s a picture of a triangle with three right angles, which of course doesn’t work in a plane, but does work if you embed it on the surface of a sphere!