Poetry and Racism

For the past two years I’ve considered getting a blog like this up and running for English 375: American Poetry, but it took a recent incident of racist hatred to push me to action.

I regularly teach Countee Cullen’s poem “Incident” in the section of the course titled “When Something Happens.” This year I was planning for us to read it in Week Ten, which is about two weeks from now.

But because we have experienced a similar incident here at UMass, I’m hoping we can start reading this poem, thinking about it, and writing about the issue it addresses right away.

The great poet W.H. Auden famously remarked that “poetry makes nothing happen.” The question I put before you now is: “in the face of racism, can poetry make anything happen – and if so, what?” Responses may take the form of prose or poetry – whatever feels right to you.

2 thoughts on “Poetry and Racism

  1. The Oppressionists

    what do the art
    care about art
    they jump on bandwagons
    wallow in press clips
    & stink up the planet
    with their
    pornographic oppression
    what do they care about art
    they go from being
    contemporary baby kissers to
    old time corrupt politicians
    to self-appointed censorship clerks
    who won’t support art
    but will support war
    lung cancer
    & toxic sludge
    that’s their morality
    that’s their religious conviction
    that’s their protection of the public
    & contribution to family entertainment
    what do they care about art

    Find Your Own Voice

    Find your own voice & use it
    use your own voice & find it

    The sounds of drizzle
    on dry leaves are not
    like sounds of insults
    between pedestrians

    Those women laughing
    in the window
    do not sound like
    air conditioners on the brink

    The river turtle
    does not breathe like
    a slithering boa constrictor

    The roar of a bull
    is not like
    the cackle of a hyena

    The growl of a sea-leopard
    is not like the teething cry
    of a baby

    The slash of a barracuda
    is not like
    the gulp of a leaping whale

    The speech of a tiger shark
    is not like
    the bark of an eagle-fish

    The scent of a gardenia
    is not like the scent of a tangerine

    Find your own voice & use it
    use your own voice & find it

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