Protocol for chicken soup

There are so many competing recipes for chicken soup, how do you know which is the best?  Why, the recipe that has passed the scientific gold standard for rigor, clarity and reproducibility: peer review!  Follow the link to the only chicken soup recipe published in a peer-reviewed journal.  Everything else is amateur.

To be fair, there are other peer-reviewed references to the medical potency of chicken soup, but they lack sufficiently specific protocols for soup.

Physics in the media




Need some trendy academic references to popular culture? Look below: so far I’ve got comic books, TV, movies, computer games, and pop history.

  • The Physics of Superheroes.
  • The Physics of Star Trek.
  • Physics in computer games.
    All video games have to have reasonably accurate simulations of physics to make the player’s interactions with the world seem believable.  Most people concentrate on the storyline or strategy, but there’s a lot of underlying physics modeling of light propagation (and surface textures) as well as dynamics.  The actual underlying physics is not far beyond the level of Physics 16/17; the challenge is to find approximations that allow a single CPU to perform the necessary simulations in real time as the game is played.

  • Bad physics
    • in movies.  Critique of common physics mistakes in movies with individual movie ratings.
    • throughout history.  A recent book looks at the history of bad science (from naïve to corrupt).  Reviewed here.

Science as Art

I’ve always thought that scientific instruments are beautiful; apparently I’m not alone.  New Scientist has a gallery (and accompanying article) of parts of defunct  particle physics experiments recycled as objects d’art.  I’m not sure I’d want these in my living room, but they’re pretty good as outdoor sculpture.