GHS co P Ed Group

Our GHS  CoP focuses on conversations improving education all around.  Our group includes our science dept, wonderful active librarian, an aide and a social studies teacher.. so far.  Our topics are a bit general but overall we are enhancing our knowledge on how others in the field improve education.  Our first meeting involved a discussion on

How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses    I have pasted the link.

This was an article we each read independently and discussed in our CoP.  In general we all thought it was inspiring and deserved further attention.

Next , we watched this TED Talk and enjoyed a conversation on Child driven education.

Our third meeting included a peer presentation on how to  develop and manage standard based teaching.  One of our science staff is hugely excited about his new unique strategy.  Several of us have shared our ideas and hope to peruse this discussion.

Next month our objective is to try and develop interdisciplinary lessons that enhance teaching methods that will UNLEASH a greater number of Geniuses.

That’s all for now.



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