Walking Your Dog: Mt. Norwottuck

Mt. Norwottuck is one of the most popular hiking spots near UMass Amherst. parking and trail heads are located at the Notch Visitor’s Center just past Atkin’s Farm (obviously giving you an excuse to get post-hike cider donuts). It is the highest peak on the Holyoke range and has parts of the M&M and Robert Frost trails.

The hike is a strenuous ~3+ mile loop. I love taking Kelso to Norwottuck so he can enjoy burning off some energy on a tough hike. definitely note that dogs must be on leash while hiking. On good weather days there are a lot of people out and about, so reactive dogs may find it an overwhelming place to walk.

The view from the summit is unbeatable in the Pioneer Valley, definitely check it out when the ice goes away!

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