4 thoughts on “Homework #4 due Thu Feb 18

  1. Tania Motchnik

    I was curious as to how the OWL grades were distributed. Do you get points off for making more than 1 attempt on the homework? Or is this based on whether you complete the assignment by the deadline, regardless of the number of attempts?

  2. physics115-willocq Post author

    As long as you successfully answer a given problem within the maximum number of allowed attempts you receive full credit for your correct answer. Of course, the correct answer needs to be entered before the deadline, otherwise you get only half credit.

  3. Chris Harold

    Prof. W,

    As many past versions of past Exam 1s that you can post as soon as convenient would be much appreciated.

    PS I believe you said that all students older than the Professor can have access to the book and notes during exams. Right?

  4. physics115-willocq Post author

    I’ll post a sample exam 1 very soon (today or tomorrow).
    There will be no notes for the exam but I will provide basic formulas.

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