3 thoughts on “Homework #5 Due Thu Feb 25

  1. Vanessa Buttolph

    Hi, I am having a really tough time with question number four on the Owl homework due tonight. does anyone have any suggestions, I keep getting ridiculous numbers from my calculations!

  2. physics115-willocq Post author

    Hi Vanessa,

    Can you be a bit more specific about this problem? What particular part are you stuck on?

    Stephane W.

  3. physics115-willocq Post author

    For problem 4, I would translate each SIL into an intensity ratio. That will give you I1/I0 for SIL1 and I2/I0 for SIL2.

    To find the combined SIL, first add the intensities (relative to I0) is OK: (I1 I2) / I0 is the same as (I1/I0) (I2/I0).

    Once you have that new intensity ratio (I1 I2)/I0 you can look up the corresponding SIL in dB.

    Remember that an intensity ratio of 10 corresponds to 10 dB, a ratio of 20 corresponds to 20 dB, etc…

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