Homework #1 due on Thu Jan 28

The first homework assignment is due on Thursday Jan 28 by 11:59 pm. Log onto OWL via the SPARK web site for this course and answer the 5 questions.

Please submit questions by writing a comment to this post.

5 thoughts on “Homework #1 due on Thu Jan 28

  1. Adrian Atwood

    I was looking at the homework assignments. It seems that these problems require a certain knowledge of formulas, where can I find these formulas?
    Also, it seems there is a problem with the appendix link. Section B Units, Measures, and Conversions does not work correctly.
    Is this where I would other wise find the formulas I would need to complete the homework?

  2. physics115-willocq Post author

    I will cover the basic concepts and provide formulas in the next couple of lectures. The textbook of course contains the information. Furthermore, you will typically be provided with the formulas in the online feedback. However, I encourage you to try solving the problem on your own first and not simply rely on the feedback. There will obviously not be such feedback on the exams…

  3. Adrian Atwood

    Alright, I will wait for the lectures. I have not received a copy of the text yet.

    Just to be clear, I want to make sure that you are aware that one of the links in the Appendix section is not working correctly.

  4. physics115-willocq Post author

    Yes. Thanks for the notice. I am going to see if I can provide a replacement with the same information.

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