26 thoughts on “Homework #7

  1. physics131-willocq Post author

    You need to draw a free-body diagram showing the forces acting on the satellite but also show that the forces exerted by the Earth and the Moon are equal in magnitude.

  2. slashley

    How do you want us to show that the forces are equal? Through the diagram or through some type of equation? or both…

  3. physics131-willocq Post author

    I should also mention that for the written homework, you are not given the mass of the satellite. So to prove the forces are equal, you should take the ratio between the two forces acting on the satellite.

  4. lhaley

    For part C of the written homework do we need to know whether d is the distance from the surface of the moon to the surface of the earth or should we assume that it is center to center?

  5. zaggott

    In part C, is the distance, d, the distance between the centers of the Earth and moon, or the surfaces?

  6. physics131-willocq Post author

    The distance d is from the center of the Earth to the center of the Moon (the radii of the Earth and Moon are quite small compared with this distance anyway).

  7. srandkle

    In part c, when calculating the forces acting on the satellite, should the distance between the moon and the earth be converted from meters to kilometers? When I do this a get a large percent error in my final answer.

  8. rdetroy

    I was wondering whether we are able to complete all of the online hw #7 at this point or if we still need monday’s lecture?

  9. physics131-willocq Post author

    There is one problem in the online homework #7 that requires the calculation of the center of gravity. I just ended on that in today’s lecture and will say a few more things about it on Monday. However, since this is a “tactics box” type of problem, it teaches you how to go about calculating the center of gravity, exactly what I showed in my last slide today. I plan to work out one example problem on Monday on that topic.

  10. slhogan

    I’m having trouble with the last three problems for the online homework #7, I feel like we haven’t gone over problems in lecture similar to those to help figure it out and it makes it harder that there are no hints to guide you either. Will you be going over anything in lecture Monday to help for those last three problems?

  11. physics131-willocq Post author

    Problem 7.9 is a lot simpler than it looks. Most of the information about the door is not needed. You simply need to figure out what minimum force is needed to produce a torque as big as that exerted by the door closer.

  12. mdobrien

    How do we solve part c in problem 7.1 if we are not given the mass of any of the three objects? I think I must be missing something here but I just keep staring at the problem and nothing has come to my attention.

  13. physics131-willocq Post author

    You need to compute the torque produced by the weight of the beam (considering that the weight acts at the center of gravity of the beam, i.e. its mid-point) and by the weight of the construction worker (considering that its weight acts at the end of the beam).

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