1D: Motion in Two Dimensions

1D40.71-Awkward Rollers1d4071_awkward_rollers The diameter of the circular wheel is equal to the radii of the three arcs that make up the awkwardly-shaped ...
1D50.10-Ball on String1d5010_ball_on_stringA simple ball on a string to show uniform circular motion wherein the centripetal force is provided ...
1D50.20-Centripetal Force Apparatus1d5020_centripetal_force_apparatusThis demonstration illustrates centripetal force. For equilibrium, the centripetal force must ...
1D50.40-Pail of Water1d5040_pail_of_water_2As a bucket or cup of water is spun in a circle, the water does not fall out. This is because the string ..
1D60.10-Howitzer and Bridge1d6010_howitzer_and_bridgeThis demonstration shows that the horizontal motion of a projectile undergoes no acceleration. Push the ...
1D60.20-Drop and Shoot1d6020_two_ball_drop_2This demonstration illustrates that a ball shot out horizontally and a ball dropped with zero initial ...
1D60.30-Monkey Hunter1d6030monkey_hunterIf a hunter aims his gun at the monkey, and the monkey lets go the instant the hunter fires, will the ...