6F: Color

6F10.10 - Addition of Primary Colors6f1010addition of primary colors-1This demonstration shows the addition of the primary colors (red, green, and blue).
6F10.20 - Color Filters6f1020color filtersThese filters can be used to show the addition and subtraction of colors.
6F10.55 - Band Absorption Spectra6F10.55-1This demonstration shows how some materials absorb certain wavelengths of light.
The Didymium glass can be used as well as the roscolux filters.
6F30.10 - Dispersion curve of a prism (chromatic dispersion)6F30.10-1Using a focused white light souce and a prism, a visible light spectrum is projected.
6F40.10 - Blue Sky Red Sunset6f4010blue sky red sunset-1This demonstration illustrates the effects of light scattering in water (similar to the atmosphere).