An image of two circles. The external circle in composed of different icons of social media and multimedia. The internal circle consist of people holding hands around a globe. Welcome to Week 1!

This week, we will learn about Professional Learning Networks (PLNs). We will begin by exploring what a Professional Learning Network (PLN) is and how educators can use PLNs to grow their practice. We will also begin to think about some professional goals that our PLNs could help us achieve. We will then hear from some experts about how PLNs can support educators in their professional growth. Finally, we will reflect on our own PLNs: Who are the people in our PLNs? In what spaces do we engage with our PLNs? And what tools do we gain from our PLNs?

Week 1 Learning Objectives

By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • Define Professional Learning Networks(PLNs) and explain their purpose
  • Determine the potential benefits of PLNs for educators and for ourselves
  • Identify the people and spaces in our existing PLNs and reflect on how we engage with them

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