Learning Activity: What is a Professional Learning Network?
Activity Objective: Review PLNs with an expert!
Dr. Dan Krutka (@dankrutka) is an Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration at the University of North Texas. He is a teacher educator, former teacher and social media researcher. Dr. Krutka has done extensive research on PLNs. In the previous activity, you defined the term “professional learning network.” Now, let’s hear how Dr. Krutka defines PLNs!
Activity Instructions:
- Watch the Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) for Educators video (embedded below)
- Think about the ways in which your understanding of PLNs is similar, or different, to Dr. Krutka’s description of a PLN.
- Post a short paragraph (2-3 sentences) on 4399edn tute team about the similarities or differences you found between your understanding of PLNs and Dr. Krutka’s.