Learning Activity: Examining PLN Benefits

Social Benefits Affective Benefits Cognitive Benefits Identity Growth BenefitsActivity Objective: Evaluate the benefits of PLN to determine which benefits are relevant to you.

Activity Instructions: In the videos you just watched, Dr. Trust discussed the affective, social, cognitive and identity benefits of PLNs for K-12 teachers. Which of these benefits is most relevant to you? For example, would the social benefit of connecting with other educators be relevant to your teaching or context? Why? Perhaps it might offer opportunities to collaborate that you don’t normally have? Think about which of these benefits would be most helpful in your current context for your professional growth or meeting your professional goals. Try to make connections with how your professional growth might impact your students! Then, complete one of the following activities:

Option 1: Written Reflection

  • Write a short paragraph (150-200 words) describing why the benefit you identified might be relevant or advantageous to your own professional growth.
  • Post your short paragraph on 4399edn tute team and reply to at least two other posts.

Option 2: Multimedia Reflection

  • Create a short podcast or video (90-120 seconds long) describing why the benefit you identified might be relevant or advantageous to your own professional growth. Here are some resources for creating a podcast or video.
  • Post your podcast or video recording on 4399edn tute team and comment on at least one other person’s post. 

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