a person standing holding a sign with a circle formed by drawings of a light bulb, cellphone, computer, envelope, magnifying glass, three people the acronym PLN in the middle.Now that we have explored what a PLN is and how it might help you grow as a professional, the next step is to identify your own PLN and reflect on how you engage with it.  In order to do that, you will fill out a form that will help you reflect upon your current PLN by identifying the people who you connect with, the spaces you participate in to connect and learn with others, and the tools that you acquire as a result of these interactions. The objective of this activity is to define your existing PLN. You will come back to this activity in week 5 to asses your progress in the course.

Learning Activity: PLN Enrichment

Activity Objective: Determine, and reflect upon, the people and spaces that are part of your current PLN and the tools that you have acquired through interactions with others.

Activity Instructions:

  1. Fill out this PLN Enrichment Framework Survey.
  2. Then, design a visual representation (e.g., infographic, mindmap, poster, or screenrecording) of your PLN.
  3. Post your visual representation on 4399edn tute team.

Here are some tools you can use for this activity: Easel.ly, Google Drawings, Symbaloo, Padlet, Mindmup, or Screencast-o-matic. You can also just draw on a piece of paper and upload a photo of your drawing!

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