Learning Activity: Connecting, if you Know What I Meme

For our first activity, we want to hear your thoughts regarding why you connect with others in your PLN…in a creative and fun way. You will be using a meme generator for both expression and connection.

Activity Objective: To identify the benefits of connecting with others in your PLN.

Activity Instructions:

  1. Choose an image and words that depict why you think it is important to connect with others in your PLN.
  2. Once you have selected your image and words, create a meme using https://imgflip.com/ or https://memegenerator.net/ (note: memes are a great way to connect with your students)
  3. Share your meme on 4399edn tute team.
  4. Comment on two other posts. 

Tip: If you are having difficulty thinking of how to express yourself in a meme, try brainstorming how you feel [or have previously felt] about your PLN. Did you feel excited, inspired, bored, or energized? Choose an image that reflects your feelings and then add text, and viola! You have a meme!

Once you have completed this activity and connected with others, head to the next section, which will focus on exploration.

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