This section will give you extra tools for expanding your PLN. Keeping your SMART PLN goal in mind, explore some new online spaces to add platform to your PLN growth. This is the segment where your internet tabs will come in handy– get ready to explore at least 6-8 new spaces in which you will curate, contribute, and connect! Not only are the following sites creative, helpful, and fun to use, but they are also great for growing your PLN.
Learning Activity: Expand Your Connections
Now that you have identified the benefits of connecting with others in your PLN, you are going to explore new spaces where you can meet more people, discover new ideas, and learn how to grow your craft as an educator. Activity Objective: To explore at least 2 new (to you) online spaces to expand your network of connections and opportunities for learning with others beyond your local contexts. Activity Instructions: With your proposed PLN SMART goal from week 2 in mind, think about how you might expand your PLN to achieve that goal. Then, complete 2, or more, of the following activities that will allow you to explore new spaces and move you in the direction of your goal:
Join two new spaces from this list of online spaces for educators or from this Facebook Global Educator Support Group document.
- Connect with other educators through Twitter.
- Engage in educational Twitter Chat (see the official education chat calendar for chat days and times).
- Explore an educational Twitter hashtag and connect with 2 people who tweet regularly using that hashtag.
- Create a Pinterest board related to your professional interests and share it with your PLN.
- Connect with the author of your favorite book.
- Aggregate the educational blogs you follow into ONE easy feed and share those collections.
- Create a Symbaloo and share it with your PLN.
- Connect with a professor, thought-leader, researcher, or other individual through email or social media.
*Note: Many of these activities were adapted from Dr. Leigh Zeitz’ PLN course activity site. Once you have completed these activities, write a short post on 4399edn tute team and describe what you did (visuals, such as screenshots of your engagement in a Twitter chat, are welcome and encouraged!).