Learning Activity: Connect, Really

social media icons treeThis week, you’ve been exploring new spaces and expanding your PLN connections, and now it is time for the crescendo of this learning module! In this activity, you will be working together with someone in your expanded PLN to design a creative product that showcases the benefits of having a PLN.

This activity will help you really connect with others (e.g., not just follow someone on Twitter) as you engage in a fun design-based activity. We hope that you will leave the activity with a stronger connection to at least one new member of your PLN  and have a finished product to keep and share with others.

Activity Objective: Connect and collaborate with at least one new member of your PLN.

Activity Instructions:

  1. Connect with one new member of your PLN (note: this could be someone you met during the previous activity, someone in this online course, or someone you recently met in a face-to-face setting).
  2. Ask this individual to collaborate with you on designing a creative product (e.g., infographic, meme, mindmap, video, animation, comic strip) that depicts the benefits of having a PLN (see Online Tools for Teaching & Learning for a list of tools you might use).
  3. Share your creative product (e.g., a link, video, or screenshot) on 4399edn tute team. Include 2-3 sentences describing the collaborative design process.

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