Zoran Hadzibabic Abstract

In ultracold atomic gases, Feshbach resonances give us access to the so-called unitary regime, where the s-wave scattering length diverges and two-body interactions are as strong as allowed by the laws of quantum mechanics. Following more than a decade of exciting experiments on the unitary Fermi gases, in particular on the BEC-BCS crossover in those systems, the unitary Bose gases have more recently emerged as a new experimental frontier. An additional challenge in understanding these gases is that due to rapid three-body recombination they are intrinsically non-equilibrium systems, which are in practice studied using rapid interaction quenches. I will give an overview of recent experiments trying to understand the dynamics and thermodynamics following a quench of a Bose gas to unitarity. These include measurements of the universal decay dynamics, energy and condensed fraction of degenerate unitary Bose gases, as well as observations of non-universal three-body Efimov physics in these systems.