
R. Rossi, T. Ohgoe, K. Van Houcke, F. Werner

High-Precision Data for the Unitary Fermi Gas from Diagrammatic Series with Zero Convergence Radius


Sarah Maiti, Tigran Sedrakyan

Bosons in Flat Band Lattices: A Fermionization Approach


Igor Tupitsyn and Nikolay Prokofiev

Topology of Phase Diagram of the Haldane-Hubbard-Coulomb Model


Max Yamolinsky and Anatoly Kuklov

Precision Numerical Flowgram Analysis of Isolated Critical Points: Example of Liquid-Gas Critically


Gabriele Spada

??^4 Beyond N^8LO


G. Bighin, T. V. Tscherbul, M. Lemeshko

A Diagrammatic Monte Carlo Approach to Composite Rotating Impurities


Takahiro Ohgoe and Masatoshi Imada

First Principles Studies on Superconductivity and Inhomogeneity in High-Tc Cuprates


Alice Moutenet, Wei Wu, Michel Ferrero

Determinant Monte Carlo Algorithms for Dynamical Quantities in Fermionic Systems


Youssef Kora and Massimo Boninsegni

MaxEnt Revisited: Inversion of Imaginary-Time Quantum Monte Carlo Data


Gunnar Möller, Christopher Winterowd

Combining Diagrammatic Monte-Carlo with Large-N Field Theory


Aaram J. Kim and Evgeny Kozik

Topology of Skeleton Diagrams and Multivaluedness of the Luttinger-Ward Functional


Kun Chen, Yuan Huang, Youjin Deng, Boris Svistunov

The Halon: A Quasiparticle Featuring Critical Charge Fractionalization


Aaram Kim, Fedor Šimkovic, Evgeny Kozik

Fate of the Metal to Insulator Transition in the 2d Hubbard model


F. Simkovic, Y. Deng, E. Kozik

Ground-State Superfluid Phase Diagram of the Two-Dimensional Fermionic Hubbard Model with Next-Nearest-Neighbor Hopping


Scott S. Jensen, Chris N. Gilbreth, Yoram Alhassid

Nature of Pairing Correlations of the Unitary Fermi Gas


Andrey S. Mishchenko

Numerical analytic continuation: answers to well-posed questions in
ill-posed problem


A. Tsvelik, G. Goldstein, C. Castelnovo

Slave-Boson Approach to Dimer Models


Bernhard Frank, Johannes Lang, Wilhelm Zwerger

Thermodynamics of Spin-Imbalanced Fermi Gases


Robert Hallock

The Emerging Story of Solid Helium: What We Know


Kun Chen and Kristjan Haule

Sign-blessed Diagrammatic Monte Carlo Method and its Application to a 3D Electron Gas


Sébastien Laurent, Matthieu Pierce, Marion Delehaye, Tarik Yefsah, Frédéric Chevy, and Christophe Salomon

The Lifetime of a Bose-Fermi Superfluid Mixture 


Brayden Ware, Romain Vasseur, and Siddharth Parameswaran

Beyond Strong Disorder Renormalization Group with Tree Tensor Networks


Kun Chen, Nikolay Prokof’ev, and Boris Svistunov

Trapping Collapse: Infinite Number of Repulsive Bosons Trapped by a Generic Short-range Potential


Nikolay Prokof’ev, and Boris Svistunov

Algebraic Time Crystallization in a Two-dimensional Superfluid


Jesse Amato-Grill, Niklas Jepsen, Ivana Dimitrova, William Lunden, and Wolfgang Ketterle

Spin 1 Heisenberg Model with Li 7