New Hampshire Democratic Party Summer Fellowship – work with Joe DeSimone’09, PoliSci

The New Hampshire Democratic Party seeks highly personable fellows who have the flexibility, professionalism and dedication to Democratic values necessary to excel in an exciting, high-pressure environment. As one of the nation’s truest swing states, New Hampshire experiences contested elections on the presidential, congressional, state, and local levels. The NHDP Summer Fellowship offers the opportunity to work on the front-lines of some of the nation’s most consequential political races.

NHDP Summer Fellows will be at the heart of the NHDP Coordinated Campaign, working closely with staff to implement modern political strategies and tactics. Fellows will play an integral role in the development and implementation of our voter outreach and volunteer training programs across the state; help maintain the NHDP voter database; and lay the foundation necessary to elect Democrats up and down the ticket.

No experience is necessary, but applicants should hold a commitment to Democratic Party principles and a willingness to learn about the political process.