Civil Rights Division Non-Legal Intern
Primary Duties: Responsibilities include a wide range of duties relating to assisting the Division in investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations. Primary responsibilities are to conduct intake, screen and evaluate constituent complaints, investigate complaints, and respond to complainants. Other responsibilities include assisting Division attorneys in investigations and in case preparation, maintenance of Division files and statistics, and assisting with outreach events and other public presentations.
Position Requirements: Applicants must be undergraduates with excellent organizational, writing, and analytical skills; an ability to handle multiple tasks at once and balance both long- and short-term projects; strong interpersonal skills and ability to deal effectively with the public; strong oral communication and presentation skills; and a demonstrated commitment to the mission of the Division. Bilingual candidates are preferred.
There are three UMass SBS grads working in this division, so you will be in good company!
Please send cover letter, resume, and unofficial transcript to
Asst. Attorney General Shaneka Davis at shanekadavis at gmail dot com AND to
Paralegal Paola Ozuna at paula.ozuna at
SBS note: make sure to have your resume and cover letter reviewed before you send them.
SBS note: you can apply for funding for this position through the SBS internship/scholarship program. Funding application deadline is March 30.