Instructions for presenters


All talks are scheduled for 30 minutes, with a preferred 20 minute presentation + 10 minute question period. Talks will not be allowed to exceed 25 minutes.

In-person talks: Please e-mail your slides to by the end of the day Tuesday June 13th. They will be hosted on a shared laptop to avoid A/V problems. Powerpoint, Keynote, Google slides and .pdf are all fine, but Google slides or .pdf is preferred. Please indicate any graphics or sound that may not work consistently across platforms. For potential graphic issues, include a screenshot to show how it should look.

On-line talks: You will be presenting your talk by sharing your screen in Zoom. Please test it in advance with someone else as a participant, especially making sure your microphone level is robust. If you wish to share content with participants (e.g. a link to your slides), please e-mail a link to by the end of the day Tuesday June 13th.


In-person posters: The posters will be mounted on boards 57 ¾ inches wide x 46 inches tall. We will supply thumb tacks. Please mount your poster on the indicated board. The poster sessions will take place in the Amherst room, on the 10th floor of the Campus Center. You can set up your poster starting during the Friday lunch break, and leave it up until after dinner – we have sufficient space for posters from both poster sessions to stay up the whole time. If you wish to print your poster on arrival, here are two options – please check in with them in advance on hours, etc.

On-line “posters”: The on-line poster session will take place in GatherTown. Please submit a 50 word maximum abstract, along with author names and poster title by the end of the day Sunday June 11 in this Google form: You will present by screen sharing in GatherTown, so the format of your content is completely up to you.