SCiL 2021 poster sessions


Monday Feb. 15, 12-1pm

  • 5: Strong learning of probabilistic Tree Adjoining Grammars
  • 12: Consistent unsupervised estimators for anchored PCFGs
  • 13: A Data-driven Approach to Crosslinguistic Structural Biases
  • 23: The Crosslinguistic Relationship between Ordering Flexibility and Dependency Length Minimization: A Data-Driven Approach
  • 28: Frequency-Dependent Regularization in Syntactic Constructions
  • 29: Structure-(in)dependent interpretation of phrases in humans and LSTMs
  • 32: Efficiency of Top-Down Parsing of Recursive Adjunction for Tree Adjoining Grammar
  • 35: A Minimalist Approach to Facilitatory Effects in Stacked Relative Clauses
  • 42: Comparing methods of tree-construction across mildly context-sensitive formalisms
  • 43: Dependency lengths in speech and writing: A cross-linguistic comparison via YouDePP, a pipeline for scraping and parsing YouTube captions
  • 70: Learning the surface structure of wh-questions in English and French with a non-parametric Bayesian model
  • 80: Can RNNs trained on harder subject-verb agreement instances still perform well on easier ones?

Morphology, Phonology, Cross-lingual, and Resources

Tuesday Feb. 16, 10:15-11:15am

  • 15: Novel kinematic relations from linear second-order dynamics
  • 18 Look at that! BERT can be easily distracted from paying attention to morphosyntax
  • 19: Learnability of derivationally opaque processes in the Gestural Harmony Model
  • 25: Overview of AMALGUM – Large Silver Quality Annotations across English Genres
  • 33: Information flow, artificial phonology and typology
  • 34: Vowel Harmony viewed as Error-Correcting Code
  • 39: Consonant harmony, disharmony, memory and time scales
  • 45: Deep neural networks easily learn unnatural infixation and reduplication patterns
  • 55: Extracting English lexical borrowings from Spanish newswire
  • 59: SNACS Annotation of Case Markers and Adpositions in Hindi
  • 61: Lexical strata and phonotactic uncertainty minimization
  • 77: Modeling cross-linguistic production of referring expressions
  • 78: Learnability of indexed constraint analyses of phonological opacity
  • 86: Head Movement Makes Distributed Morphology Linea

Semantics and Pragmatics

Thursday Feb. 18, 11:30am-12:30pm

  • 2: Every ambiguity isn’t syntactic in nature: Testing a Rational Speech Act model of scope ambiguity
  • 4: Analysing Lexical Semantic Change with Contextualised Word Representations
  • 6: Pragmatically Informative Color Generation by Grounding Contextual Modifiers
  • 11: Most’ vs ‘more than half’: A pragmatic explanation
  • 17: Supersense and Sensibility: Proxy Tasks for Semantic Annotation of Prepositions
  • 22: Tell Me Everything You Know: A Conversation Update System for the Rational Speech Acts Framework
  • 31: How to marry a star: Probabilistic constraints for meaning in context
  • 36: How to apply for financial aid: Exploring perplexity and jargon in texts for non-expert audiences\
  • 52: Using word embeddings to uncover discourses
  • 53: Every quantifier isn’t the same: Informativity matters for ambiguity resolution in quantifier-negation sentences
  • 58: Global divergence and local convergence of utterance semantic representations in dialogue
  • 67: Human-Model Divergence in the Handling of Vagueness
  • 73: Predicting scalar inferences from “or” to “not both” using neural sentence encoders
  • 74: Distributional semantic representations of visual concepts
  • 82: Modeling Change in Verb Subcategorization: Emerging English Transitives over the Last Two Centuries