Thank you

First off. We know everyone wants some event pictures, and we promise we will get those to you ASAP. Right now our photographs are being digitally edited by our good friend Todd (hes the man) up in New Hampshire. As soon as they arrive we will get our winners gallery and event pictures up. After all who wouldn’t want to see this event??

Secondly, Shawn and I want to thank everyone who has been reading this blog during the semester. We had an amazing time making it and we hope you all had a pleasure reading it.

For me personally this class has been THE best I have taken here at UMass. None other comes even close (and no I’m not trying to suck up for a better grade haha). In all honesty, this class turned 27 classmates into close friends, and in the process we all got to put on what we feel will turn out to be a legendary soccer tournament.

Since I’ve been blogging here for a semester I figured I would give a message to everyone in the SoccerFest class. Thank you guys for making this semester so memorable, all of you have immense talents that will propel you to big things in whatever path you chose to take. Never forget what we accomplished this semester and never lose touch with each other.

To the marketing department: I love you guys, together we all made the dream of 137 teams a reality.

-Matthew Weinberger- class of 2008


and in typical SoccerFest 6 fashion:

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