Monthly Archives: November 2020

“La Vegetariana” en el extranjero

I traveled abroad to Salamanca, Spain during the Summer semester of 2019 when I was going into my Sophomore year at UMass. Not only was I the youngest person going on this particular trip, I was also the only strict vegetarian going on it as well. For those of you who have never traveled to Salamanca, Spain (or abroad in any sense), and are vegetarian, this is for you. It’s going to be hard. Extremely hard. But, you will get through it. Here’s my experience; Here are the hard truths.

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My Journey with Spanish

Being multilingual is important to me and relevant in this continually evolving and ever-diversifying country. No one in my family speaks another language besides English, except for myself of course. I speak 4 languages in total, and my passion for languages started with Spanish back in the third grade when Spanish instruction became a mandatory component of my school district’s curriculum. Not only did the prospect of learning another language intrigue me, but the entire language-learning process proved seamless to me, and I picked up on words very quickly for not having had any prior education in Spanish. At nine years old, the instructor and even other students were shocked by my comprehension of the language and my little “authentic” accent. Over the years, Spanish classes of course became more complex, but the language’s difficulty to me remained consistent: easy. When it came time to take AP Spanish Language and Composition in high school, I was a bit apprehensive, but I worried for nothing because I received an A in the class and passed the College Board exam with a score of a 5.

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