Author Archives: gmmacdonald

Your Internship is Calling, Are You Going to Pick Up?

When we think of internships, we often think of the stereotypical internship. You guessed it. Serving coffee, running errands, making copies, etc. But not all internships are like this. In fact, I was even a fellow in one in which I never made a coffee run. 

If you’re interested in working in the city, an internship that is geared toward your major, opportunities to grow professionally, gain needed credits, and even earn some money to go on your own coffee run, look no further. 

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Go travel

Before you read through this entire blog, this could be your sign, so do yourself a favor right now and go for it. 

Go for what? 

Go travel. 

Before coming to UMass, all I would think about was traveling and studying abroad. I didn’t just want to go to Spain; I needed to go to Spain. For most people, studying abroad is something that is on the back burner. Many think they can just wait until Junior or Senior year. While this is a great way to plan, and I encourage you to plan like this as well, if the opportunity arises, and you feel within you that you should do it, do it.  

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“La Vegetariana” en el extranjero

I traveled abroad to Salamanca, Spain during the Summer semester of 2019 when I was going into my Sophomore year at UMass. Not only was I the youngest person going on this particular trip, I was also the only strict vegetarian going on it as well. For those of you who have never traveled to Salamanca, Spain (or abroad in any sense), and are vegetarian, this is for you. It’s going to be hard. Extremely hard. But, you will get through it. Here’s my experience; Here are the hard truths.

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