Your Internship is Calling, Are You Going to Pick Up?

When we think of internships, we often think of the stereotypical internship. You guessed it. Serving coffee, running errands, making copies, etc. But not all internships are like this. In fact, I was even a fellow in one in which I never made a coffee run. 

If you’re interested in working in the city, an internship that is geared toward your major, opportunities to grow professionally, gain needed credits, and even earn some money to go on your own coffee run, look no further. 

My first semester of sophomore year, I was a fellow with Semester in the City, a semester long program that places you into an internship based on your interests. Each placement is part of a non-profit organization, in which you gain knowledge about the benefits of working and providing support to this type of work sector. Each student is offered a monthly stipend, housing in the city, an all-inclusive public transportation pass as well as networking opportunities. In total, fellows complete over 200 hours of work on-site at their internships, working a “real-life” 9-5 shift, getting a taste of what life is like after college. In addition, students are offered two classes: one day class and one night class, where they learn team building skills, perfect their resumes, explore concepts on diversity and inclusion in the workplace and reflect on their internship experiences each week. 

This all sounds almost too good to be true. To prove it to you, here’s my story. 

I walked into an info session about Semester in the City my freshman year of college. By my first semester of sophomore year, I landed myself this internship. The application process was so smooth, and SITC’s staff was always happy to help me with any of my worries or questions. Fast forward, I moved into an apartment in Boston in the fall of 2019. I taught myself the route from my apartment to my internship and class locations by using the train, walked to get groceries each week and explored so many aspects of the city, yet the opportunities and adventures were endless. Each morning, I would wake up, bring my breakfast to eat on the train and arrive at the 826 Boston Writers’ Room location at Northeastern University, Monday through Friday from 8am to 3pm. My title was a “tutor”, however I found myself to be much more than just a tutor. Not only did I work with students in the Writers’ Room for the Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers (EMK), but I also visited their classrooms, taught them curriculum, listened to their stories, learned about their backgrounds, helped them through challenges, and made the most incredible bonds. I also had the opportunity to work with a team of tutors in which we would plan student events, strengthen our skills as support agents, and administer check-ins to uplift one another. This experience was truly one of a kind and I never thought I could grow and learn so much about myself in just one semester. 

Maybe this particular internship didn’t apply to you because you don’t want to be a teacher, or you don’t want to work in a classroom. That is perfectly fine. Like I previously mentioned, Semester in the City finds your internship placement with your goals in mind. It also may seem daunting and as though there is a lot of work involved from my story, however you need to ask yourself what is more worth your time- is it fetching coffee or making a difference in your life and the lives of others? 

You decide.

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