Author Archives: agonzalezbae

Span 597EC – Escritura Creativa (How Poetry Gave Me Comfort During the Pandemic)

During spring 2020, I had elected to take Spanish 597EC – Escritura Creativa. It was a graduate level course and I had been itching to take a higher level class. If I recall correctly, it was one of the only Spanish courses that interested me at that level. However, as a junior, I seriously doubted my ability to take a higher level Spanish course. I emailed the professor, Márgara, about whether or not she thinks I would be able to take the course. Her honesty and kindness ultimately led me to pick up the class.

The class focused on poetry as a form of creative writing. Every week, we would write poems and share them in class. The class was very tight-knit with only 5 of us plus Márgara. The class pushed me to think outside of the box with regards to Spanish expression. The exchange of poetry and feedback ultimately made me a better poet.

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Student Government but You’re a Spanish Major

I don’t quite remember the statistics, but if you were to ask a random student on campus whether they knew what “SGA” was, they probably wouldn’t; and it isn’t surprising. UMass has about 30,000 students with about 23k being undergraduates. The Student Government Association (known more commonly as SGA) is the government that represents the undergraduate body. With a school so large as UMass and a small percentage of the population that actually vote, it is not surprising that many students go their four years without ever hearing or thinking about SGA. Imagine if the US government were elected by 5% of the population and somehow the majority of the population continued on with their lives without ever knowing or hearing about what their government is up to. It sounds like an episode out of Black Mirror!

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A Case for Why Native (and Heritage) Students Should Study Abroad

I believe this is a question that some natives/heritage speakers hardly think about. Generally, most of us want to study abroad before we even arrive on campus. We’ve either heard great things from family members or friends who have studied abroad, or an advisor somewhere in the world strongly recommended doing so before graduating.

However, many native speakers often come to UMass from other countries, or at least once in their life have the opportunity to visit the country from which their heritage originates. So, is there really a need to study abroad? Continue reading