Tag Archives: Spanish

Una llamada con mi abuela

June 13, 2022

*Incoming call from Guadalupe Greene*

Me: “Hello?”

GG: “¡Hola Isabella!”

Me: “¡Hola abuela!”

GG: “Pues, ¿Como estás?”

Me : “Estoy bien, ¿Y tú?”

GG: “Sí, estoy bien, p-pero te echo de menos.”

Me: “Aw abuela, te echo de menos. Estás muy lejas. ¿Como está California?”

GG: “Está terible. Tengo calor, quiero hacer algunas cosas pero tú abuelo no-no le gusta nada.

Me: “Lo siento. Necesitas actividades. Es un equilibrio. Abuela, tienes la familia, ¿No?”

GG: “Sí pero están un poco lejos. Solamente puedo visitar a tus primas y los nietos y no para mucho tiempo. Tienen trabjos y-y escuela.”

Me: “Yo entiendo. Es aburrido. Yo sé. Sabes que puedes llamarme.”

GG: “Sí, yo sé. Necesitamos hablar más.”

Me: “¿Abuela?”

GG: “¿Sí?”

Me: “¿Por qué no sabía que hablas español?”

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Bienvenidos a Valencia – Welcome to Valencia

I am walking down the acera on my way to my only class of the day. It’s 41 degrees Fahrenheit, or 5 degrees Celsius for the locals, and I realize I did not pack enough winter clothes for this half of the trip. It’s a 30-minute walk from my host family’s house in Ayora, Valencia to school. I do not know this yet, but 1 month from now I will purchase the city bike pass known as “Valenbici” which will cut my commute in mitad. I’m lucky though. Some of my fellow program students, and soon-to-be friends, need to use the metro system to get to school. Our host university, La Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, is large, with more students than UMass Amherst, and sits in the northeastern part of Valencia. If you’re a local student you know that the advantage of this location is that la playa is only a 30-minute walk/10-minute metro ride from school. I am hoping it warms up soon. It’s a good thing I packed more bathing suits than jackets? Continue reading to learn more about Valencia, Spain.

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A Case for Why Native (and Heritage) Students Should Study Abroad

I believe this is a question that some natives/heritage speakers hardly think about. Generally, most of us want to study abroad before we even arrive on campus. We’ve either heard great things from family members or friends who have studied abroad, or an advisor somewhere in the world strongly recommended doing so before graduating.

However, many native speakers often come to UMass from other countries, or at least once in their life have the opportunity to visit the country from which their heritage originates. So, is there really a need to study abroad? Continue reading

The Spanish and Portuguese department wants you to succeed

At UMass, I am in an interesting position of being a part of two very different colleges. One is CNS for my biology major, and the other is HFA for my Spanish major. Beyond the obvious differences within the classes and material, over the past three years I have been able to observe some wild differences between the advisors and professors. In CNS, it can be very difficult to make a connection with my teachers, as in the majority of my classes, I am one of two hundred students sitting in a lecture hall. When I first came to UMass, I had not yet declared a Spanish major, and was unable to enroll in any classes before all the seats were taken by upperclassmen. For this reason, all of my first experiences with my professors were within CNS and therefore extremely distant. Once I began taking classes within the Spanish and Portuguese department, I was shocked at how willing some of the professors and advisors are to help you find what you truly love. Within this department, there are truly genuine people who want you to succeed and will help to get you to your goals. Continue reading

Educating Others, Not Calling Them Out

This class has facilitated a large amount of thinking and personal growth through the assigned readings and our discussions of what it means to us to be Spanish majors. For me, being a Spanish major is a way to open a door to a whole other world of culture, customs, people, food, and even more. On the most basic level, this is why most people study other languages, and it i considered a huge asset on paper if you are a native English speaker and are lucky enough to be a heterosexual white individual.

When unpacking ideas of white privilege it is inevitable that some people will not admit that they have privilege or that they are prejudice, when in reality everyone has been raised with some prejudice thoughts such as that African Americans are good at basketball, or that all women who identify as feminists hate males, and may not actively engage in these prejudices but still have them from time to time. Continue reading

My Major and Me

My Experience with the Spanish Major

As a freshman at UMass Amherst, I did not have plans of using Spanish as a big part of my life moving forward. I knew Spanish, with two grandparents from the Basque Country in the north of Spain and a number of aunts, uncles, and cousins still living there and keeping in touch, I had heard the language a lot growing up and had a sufficient enough grasp on it to take honors and AP classes throughout high school. It was a language that I like to pull out when around my friends, mostly white and middle class like me, to show off the fact that I was in some way more “cultured” than them, whatever that means. But my plans at UMass were not dependent on in, and certainly not my plans afterwards. I figured I could take classes, minor in it, and have it as a bonus on my resume, sure, but Political Science was really interested me, and whatever I could use that for later.

Sophomore year was when I actually switched my primary major to Spanish, and put Political Science as my secondary. Honestly, though, even at this point it wasn’t because I fully understood or appreciated the major for what it was, it was for reasons of convenience. Continue reading