Tag Archives: Living

Mi casa es tu casa

There’s no place like home. Nothing can compare to finally opening my front door, taking off my shoes and knowing I can just relax now that I’m home.  Home is where I am most comfortable; I can wear whatever I want (an XXL Patriots sweat shirt and Nike Shorts preferably), eat whatever is in the fridge, and do whatever I want.   I’ll admit it, I love my alone time.  I need time to myself to just decompress and relax without having to talk to anyone.

Who cares if have Chinese left overs for breakfast and spend a day watching Netflix? That’s the most beautiful thing about being home – no one cares.

When I was in Argentina I made the bold decision to live with a host family.  It was a daunting thought not knowing what I would be arriving to once in Buenos Aires since I had relatively no information about my host family.  Until a week before my departure I had no idea who my host family even was or even in what neighborhood I would be in. Continue reading