Tag Archives: Understanding

Educating Others, Not Calling Them Out

This class has facilitated a large amount of thinking and personal growth through the assigned readings and our discussions of what it means to us to be Spanish majors. For me, being a Spanish major is a way to open a door to a whole other world of culture, customs, people, food, and even more. On the most basic level, this is why most people study other languages, and it i considered a huge asset on paper if you are a native English speaker and are lucky enough to be a heterosexual white individual.

When unpacking ideas of white privilege it is inevitable that some people will not admit that they have privilege or that they are prejudice, when in reality everyone has been raised with some prejudice thoughts such as that African Americans are good at basketball, or that all women who identify as feminists hate males, and may not actively engage in these prejudices but still have them from time to time. Continue reading