It has been one month since the students wrapped up their DesignBuild Build commitment. For those of you following along the Spring Design and the Summer Build you are well aware of the impact the continued rainy weather has had on our Build Schedule, along with the late window delivery (supply chain issues), and our one week long effort to design, build, transport, erect, and then dismantle and store the auxiliary stage for the Green River Festival. All delaying completion while students were present.
However, progress has continued with Kent and Carl, along with Ben (when he could break away from Professor Jordan Kanter’s upcoming art installation in the UMass Olver Design Building (Reception and gallery talk 4:30 – 6pm on Thursday, September 7). Plus Bobby’s help with the ceiling strapping.
For this post, instead of the incredibly detailed and informative descriptions provided by Isabel and Jillian for each of our weekly efforts,the following is an outline accompanied by a sequenced photo journal of what has been accomplished.
Week 10
Work continued on the exterior of the Main Building (preparation for finish coating trim and clapboards). ERV intake and exhaust ports along with the stove fan duct port were resolved. Final details of electrical and mechanical, soon to be buried behind densepack netting and cellulose insulation, were checked over and resolved along with LVL bracing of two bays at the two main pickup points for “Main Roof” in the Main Building’s “Tall Wall”. Hemp Batt Insulation in Barnacle walls was completed. Final install of nailing members for drywall in miscellaneous corners were completed. The Plumbing (Jim O’Reilly, State Plumbing Inspector) and Framing Inspections (David Holmes, State Building Inspector) were signed off on allowing for insulation install (Rough Electrical Inspection had already occurred with Tina Shen, Amherst Electrical Inspector). Ben continued work on the waterproofing of shower floor and walls along with making tile layout decisions.

Then a delivery of STEICO Wood Fiber Insulation be used on future UMass DesignBuild Projects. Many thanks to Will Grupenhoff of GLOBAL WHOLESALE SUPPLY for donating the product. Will visited us later in the month and introduced us to new wood fiber insulation products (low carbon) that will become available.

Week 11
Work continued on the exterior but the main focus was the Densepack Cellulose install done by COZY HOMES PERFORMANCE. Beginning with the netting install and followed in sequence by the Densepacking of the Main Building walls, the Barnacle ceiling, and finally the Main Building ceilings. Install was by Johnny Rodriguez, Jeaon Leon, Jerry Ocasio, and DJ Hernandez. Many thanks to Mark Lantz, Owner,/Operator for the donation!

In between the netting install on the ceiling and the actual densepacking of the ceilings strapping needed to be installed along with careful inspection of all the 20 plus ceiling lite driver leads.

Week 12
With insulation completed and strapping installed, it was now time to get ready for the Drywall delivery and install. Windows air sealed with foam and SIGA Wigluv Tape, shimming of window jambs in prep for drywall returns, complete the shear wall dividing the main space with the bathroom and small bedroom. Plus miscellaneous odds and ends!

Weeks 13 & 14
On the Interior:
With the Insulation Inspection completed Drywall was installed by BERGERON RENOVATIONS REMODELING, & DRYWALL CONTRACTORS. Thanks to Jeff Bergeron for coordinating.

On the Exterior:
Trim and Siding is complete and finished. We are as far as we can go until we arrive in Holyoke and put the pieces together!

What’s Next?
Drywall is complete and Taping will begin next week after the Labor Day Holiday. When Taping is complete we will install the reclaimed maple flooring, install the trim package and cabinetry, complete the tile work, and paint the interior.
Then, when foundation is complete in Holyoke the trip south for the Paper House will happen.