Just a brief update to let you know the 8th Sisters status.
Final Holyoke Planning Committee and Building Official approvals and permitting have been completed for all three buildings: Hygge House, Paper House, and 8th Sister. This Fall, each will arrive at their permanent homes in Holyoke: 808 Dwight St., 800 Dwight St., and 160 East Dwight St., respectively.
Hygge House and Paper House are in Holyoke already at temporary sites near their final destinations. On one day, later in September, the 8th Sister will be transported to Holyoke and all three will be placed on their new foundations (full foundations for Hygge and Paper; piers for the 8th Sister). Then the final details for all three will be completed and a celebration will be held as the three buildings await the arrival of their first occupants and Holyoke will have three more Affordable Houses!

Since the completion of this year’s DesignBuild cohort’s Build tenure, we have set up the interior with multiple posters, models and drawings and have had multiple visitors.
Dave Wallace from Pella Windows & Doors of Western & Central Massachusetts came to check out our window and door installation and was very complementary about the quality of our installations. Many thanks to them for their substantial donation of eight triple glazed window and two doors from the Impervia line!

We had a visit from Eversource Sustainability Energy Efficiency Executives, Tim Simmonds and Andrea French, to see what we are about and how they might be able to support us.

D.A. Sullivan and Sons, Inc. (DAS) team of Cicely Hislop (COO), Sarah Ouimette (Accounts Manager), Andrew Fleming (VP of Pre-Construction), and Toby Brown (General Superintendent) spent time with several of the 2024 Cohort along with Vice Chancellor Shane Conklin, CNS Dean Mike Fox, Executive Director of Operations Patti Cromack, and CNS Development Director Eden DuPerier. All enjoyed strawberries and ice cream as a small thank you for DAS’s generous gift to the UMDB Construction Manager Fund. Mark Sullivan (President of DAS) was unable to attend, but was missed!

UFP Industries Dave Deforest (Director of Operations) and Sean Simmer (Vice President of Operation, Northeast) are visiting later this week. They have been repeated supplier of our truss needs!
The new UMass Dept. of Architecture graduate students are also on campus later this week for New Grad Orientation and will be having a visit.
Once the semester begins the Associated General Contractors Student Chapter (led by our own UMass DesignBuild 2024 member, Felix Agbo) will be visiting early in the semester.