During our first week, the team split into three groups to focus on building envelope, interior design specifications, and a framing model.
Building Envelope
Lia, Josh, Hala, and Owen worked on some solutions to the building envelope. The HyggeHaus will be hitching a ride on a trailer for part of its journey through western mass, so the roof and wall panels will be detachable.
The house will have a seam where the roof and walls connect which is not ideal for protecting the inside from the outside. Much like a deep-sea fisherman, all buildings must face four main factors affecting their durability and longevity: bulk water management, air leakage control, water vapor control, and thermal control. High-performance building is an approach that controls these layers more efficiently, notably the exchange of air. A leaky house results in wasted energy and money, especially during the winter months when thermal loss is highest. The team will take extra care when taping and insulating to optimize all four control layers.
Interior Design Specifications
Dylan, Sophia, Ahmed, and Sara made some aesthetic and logistical changes to the house. Their first task was to find a water heater that fit in the 4’ loft space above the bathroom. They also moved the sliding door towards the living room with the intention of creating a more direct entry path to the living space. Next, they replaced a 2×6 partition wall with a 2×4 wall to allow more space, and added a lighting detail along the walls. To wrap up the week, they finalized the exterior and interior finishes.
Framing Model
As mentioned before, the roof and knee walls will need to be disassembled. To visualize this, Susanna, Andrew, and Megan constructed a scale model that accommodated these requirements. The model also served as a reference for placement of the water heater, possible partition walls, and thresholds. On top of that, it looks pretty darn good.
For the next 13 Saturdays, our team will be at East Branch Studios where Kent Hicks will kindly be hosting and directing the build construction. Thanks for tuning in.