
New England weather…

Over the past few weeks, the weather has been keeping us on our toes. From gentle drizzles to torrential downpours, from crisp mornings to sun-drenched afternoons, our team has experienced the full gamut of New England summer weather. The diverse range of conditions has helped illustrate the importance of our high-performance design choices—choices that ensure interior comfort while minimizing energy consumption in this climate.

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And we’re off!

Rain is coming down but the walls are going up!

Construction on the Paper House started in earnest last week. Students started by building picnic tables, sawhorses, and cribbing to support the houses. From there, it was on to the floor diaphragm (donated by rk Miles) and lifting the first wall (in a rainstorm!). With any luck – and the students’ growing skills – all the exterior walls (donated by rk Miles) will be up this week.

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Design Studio Final Review

Wow! The 2023 UMass DesignBuild team presented their final proposal for small-scale, affordable housing in Holyoke this past Friday. The students went above and beyond in their design, representation, and presentation. Attendees at the presentation were universally impressed with the students’ proposal. To paraphrase the words of one guest, this is the future of affordable housing: thoughtful design that is low-energy, low-carbon, and beautiful. I couldn’t agree more.

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