The University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass INFORMS Speaker Series: A Talk by Dr. Michael Knodler

Today, November 30th, our Student Chapter hosted Prof. Michael Knodler from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of our University. His presentation was entitled: “Connecting the Threads of Transportation Safety and Traffic Operations”. Prof. Knodler’s talk emphasized on the role of humans within Transportation Systems. More specifically, his work addressed the investigation of human behavior and its potential impacts on traffic safety, infrastructure and operations. Prof. Knodler kept the audience’s interest vivid by presenting useful examples, impactful real-life applications and a Segway demonstration!

Our chapter’s advisor, Prof. Anna Nagurney, introduced the speaker.

Our chapter’s President, Katerina, referred to our speaker’s academic and research background.

Prof. Knodler performed part of his talk on a Segway!

Our speaker received many interesting questions from the attendees and provided them with detailed answers.

By the end of his talk, our guest welcomed everyone to try a Segway! In the photo below we can see our President, Katerina, being guided by Prof. Knodler and our Vice President, Hossein, on how to use it properly.

Also, today’s talk was preceded by the celebration of our Cum Laude Award! Our Chapter received this prestigious Award in the frame of the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ (more information on this Award can be found here).

We would like to thank Prof. Anna Nagurney for her valuable guidance and support that led to this Award, as well as all past and current Officers for their fruitful efforts!



UMass INFORMS Student Chapter receives Cum Laude Award!

We are very proud to announce that our student chapter has received the prestigious Cum Laude Award, in the framework of the INFORMS National Meeting in Phoenix! This award aims to recognize student chapters’ excellence and enhance their motivation for performing well. We would like to thank cordially all past and current members of our chapter for their efforts and achievements that led to this award!

Our chapter members are posing for a group photo, holding the award and sharing smiles.

Photo of the Cum Laude Award which has been awarded to our Chapter for the 12th consecutive year.

Congratulations Deniz, Sayeeda, Vijeta, Rodrigo, Mojtaba, Katerina, Franklin, Emre, Amro and, of course, Prof. Anna Nagurney!

More information about the award as well as a full list of past awardees can be found here: