The University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass INFORMS Speaker Series: A Talk by Dr. Golbon Zakeri

It was a great pleasure for our Chapter to organize today’s event, a talk by Dr. Golbon Zakeri. Dr. Zakeri combined several recent papers of hers in order to provide us with an exciting presentation about pricing intermittent renewable generation. Her study focused on electricity market and included both deterministic and stochastic approaches. Our speaker encouraged the audience to ask questions during the talk and valuable feedback was exchanged.

Our speaker was introduced to the audience by our Chapter’s adviser, Prof. Anna Nagurney.

Our Chapter’s president, Mojtaba, referred to Dr. Zakeri’s academic and professional background.

Dr. Zakeri’s presentation was entitled: “Pricing intermittent renewable generation using stochastic flexi-auctions”.

Our speaker navigated through websites to show real-life data related with her work from around the world.

As always, the audience participated actively with many interesting questions. 

We hope to see you all in our next event!