The University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass INFORMS Speaker Series: A Talk by Dr. Cecilia Zenteno, Dr. Martin Copenhaver and Dr. Michael Hu

Today, October 23rd, our Student Chapter enthusiastically organized its first virtual event for the Fall semester. More specifically, we were excited to organize a talk by Dr. Zenteno, Dr. Copenhaver, and Dr. Hu from the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Dr. Zenteno is the Data and Analytics Senior Manager in the Healthcare Systems Engineering Department. Drs. Copenhaver and Hu are Operations Research Scientist at MGH. The title of their presentation was “Hospital Capacity during COVID-19”. Dr. Zenteno described the background, motivation and objectives of the work that they are performing at MGH regarding COVID-19. Dr. Copenhaver described the research questions, challenges and methods they are developing in the framework of their research. Dr. Hu focused on the timeline of their work from surge to recovery and described data and models developed for this purpose. The talk was concluded by Dr. Zenteno.

The event started with our Chapter’s president, Mojtaba, welcoming everyone to the event.

The attendees asked many interesting questions and there was a very vivid discussion at the end of the talk.

We are all looking forward to our next event! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube and stay tuned!