Now that the holiday season is over and we have started our journey in 2024, it is an excellent opportunity to look back at our Chapter’s last event of 2023. On Friday, December 15, 2023, we gathered with our faculty advisor, Professor Anna Nagurney, officers, members, and other faculty and students interested in INFORMS to cherish all our memories and accomplishments in 2023 over delicious food.

We spent two hours of intellectual conversation and excellent company while indulging in delicious Ukrainian food and desserts from Professor Nagurney and pizza, fruit, and salad from our nationally recognized UMass Catering.

Even Asta and Marharyta, two Ukrainian exchange students who were part of a panel in our previous event, joined us as they missed the taste of delicious Ukrainian Varenyky (or Pierogi as the Polish call it).

Our activities and accomplishments would have been impossible without the everlasting support and passion of our faculty advisor, Professor Nagurney, for the Chapter, our officers’ effort and teamwork, and our members’ presence at our events. As such, the Chapter’s current president, Dana, would like to dedicate this post to Professor Nagurney, Semih, Busra, Josh, Sindhoora, Ismael, Samira, Yukti, and all our active members in gratitude for all their contributions to our Chapter in 2023; UMass Amherst Student Chapter of INFORMS would have been pointless without all the friendships and connections.

In the end, we wish a great 2024 for all our readers on this blog. And, as always, please stay tuned as we will be back with many events and activities as the new semester unrolls at UMass Amherst.
P.S: Due to a migration of blogs at UMass Amherst to a new hosting environment, no new posts will be added before the end of the migration in February. The content on this blog, however, will remain available throughout the migration period.