The University of Massachusetts Amherst


We will spend a couple of hours on University of Massachusetts Cold Spring Orchard Research & Education Center, picking up apples and then having a dinner together. This will help foster team building for our new officers.

End of Semester Party Spring 2017

Mr. Gentile’s talk

Poster – Mr. Gentile

Prof. Ergun’s Talk

Prof. Ergun poster

STEM Slam 2017

3-minute speaking competition for STEM grads & undergrads

Have a STEM topic you are passionate about?

  • Compete for prizes
  • Improve your public speaking
  • Communicate science without PowerPoint

Need help? Attend a public speaking session to help develop your talk. (Date to be determined)

stem_slam_17Stem slam flyer 2017

Prof. Baker’s Talk

Dr. Baker's Talk

Poster – Dr. Baker

Networking and Movie Night

We’re watching PhD Movie 2! More info about the movie here.