On November 3rd, our chapter hosted Prof. Dmytro Matsypura from the School of Business at the University of Sydney in Australia. Dr. Matsypura is also a former PhD student at the Isenberg School of Management. The talk was very interesting in terms of the application area and also the complexity of the mathematical models. Dr. Matsypura talked about wildfire management, specifically, prescribed burning. The objective function of the mathematical programming model considers not only the biology of the different fuel types, but also zones, and how often the prescribed burning takes place.. The problem is proven to be NP hard, in which Dr. Matsypura and his co-authors made the problem solvable by linearizing the objective function and coming up with heuristics to decrease the computation time. As UMass Student Chapter, we were honored to host Dr. Matsypura!
Here are some pictures from his talk.
Before the talk we also celebrated our Magna Cum Laude Award that we received at the Annual INFORMS Conference in Houston, 2017. We would like to thank our chapter’s advisor Professor Anna Nagurney for her endless support and guidance. Also a big shout out to our officers for this big success! Keep up the good work guys! Below is the photo of former + current chapter officers and our chapter’s advisor. Our former president Pritha is holding the award!
We also had the best cake. Below is the photo of the delicious cake!