You can compare the signal integration of different data files. They will need to be acquired with the same receiver gain (rg). To ensure this, before you run your first sample, run rga, then type rg to record the receiver gain that has been determined. When you run your other samples, instead of running rga, you type rg and input the receiver gain that you wrote down for your first sample. This will ensure all the spectra that you want to compare signal areas against have been run with the same receiver gain.
It is possible to use different ns for different samples, but you will need to remember that signal area is proportional to number of scans and thus properly normalize your peak areas against ns.
When comparing peak areas, after integrating your first sample, save the integration results and return to main menu. Then do your second sample. Before you exit the integration mode, right click on the integration screen and select “Use lastscale for calibration” (see picture below). The peak areas will be rescaled such that the peak areas for your current sample will be quantitatively comparable to your last one.