Monthly Archives: July 2016

San Francisco’s Paubox

San Francisco is without a doubt the innovation capital of the world where tech giants like Google, Uber, and Salesforce got their start and have since shattered the mold for their respective industries.

I just got back from a trip out to the Bay Area visiting a couple friends where I spent a few days in the office of one of the fastest, up and coming startups, Paubox. The company recently went all in and made the move to the startup mecca from Hawaii and has since been featured on and The Huffington Post. For too long it’s felt like the medical industry has been lagging behind the rest of the world but Paubox is looking to change that with an emphasis on efficiency and security. What Paubox has done is created an easier stream of communication by providing a HIPAA compliant email solution without the inconvenience of another clunky portal platform. With Paubox Doctors and patients can interact freely through email under the protection of Paubox seamless encryption.HIPAA-blog-art

In addition to their incredible product, Paubox comes equipped with a team driven by the success of their customers where their priority is making things stress-free as possible and that’s evident from their numerous customer success stories featured on their website. The environment in their office, located in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission, can only be described as electric. The team at Paubox takes on the “work hard play hard mentality” where everybody involved in the company is genuinely passionate about the product and eager to help implement it in an effort to chip away at the complacency that has developed in the healthcare industry. Paubox could very well set the tone for a more efficient future and be the first step in changing the healthcare industry as we know it.